IIO Framework


The Innovate, Incubate, Operate (I-I-O) framework is intended to provide a mechanism for groups across the University to bring forward ideas for enterprise services, or existing services within their departments and faculties that would potentially be of benefit to the broader UBC Community. Many great ideas and initiatives come from small pilot deployments in units and faculties across UBC. The I-I-O framework provides the steps for groups to be able to bring forward these great ideas, have them assessed in terms of the broader enterprise need, and prioritized and implemented at an enterprise level when practical.

The I-I-O framework puts together the people, process, and gating stages for the introduction of innovative technologies and technology-based services to be supported centrally for the benefit of the institution. The purpose is to provide a simple process which ensures secure, stable operability of the innovations UBC.

Innovate, Incubate, Operate Framework Principles

The Innovate-incubate-operationalize principle applies to existing or potential technologies and technology based services that are considered for use across multiple operating units at UBC.

The point of origin (innovator) may be any individual or operating unit at UBC, or an external contributor.

The framework objective is to examine locally developed or external innovation for the right characteristics to be widely useable and supportable at UBC, considering:

  • Value to the institution
  • Fit with the institution's technology direction
  • Ability and cost to support and operate for broad use
  • Risks to the institution

UBC IT will work collaboratively with the innovators to bring great technologies and services to bear for all of UBC.

Innovate, Incubate, Operate Framework Stages and Progression