Fiscal Periods and Representation Data Standard

Intended Audience and Contact Information

Contact Chief Data Officer, Office of the CIO
UDM Domain Finance
Intended Audience Internal UBC


Fiscal periods are key dates that drive UBC’s financial reporting and budgeting activities. This standard aims to achieve consistency around fiscal periods and how they are represented.


Fiscal Year Name and Period

A fiscal year spans from April 1st of a year to March 31st of the following year. The format for a fiscal year is represented as prefix ‘FY’ followed by the date of the year that the fiscal year ends. The table below provides dates representation and example for one fiscal year name and period.

Period Period Name Period Start Date Period End Date
Fiscal Year
e.g. Fiscal Year of 2019
e.g. FY2019
e.g. 01/04/2018
e.g. 31/03/2019
Quarter-End Names and Periods

There are four quarters in a fiscal year. The table below provides dates representation for financial quarter-end names and periods.

Period Period Name Period Start Date Period End Date
e.g. Q1 of FY2019
e.g. FY2019-Apr-Jun
e.g. 01/04/2018
e.g. 30/06/2018
Q2 FY[yyyy]-Jul-Sep 01/07/[yyyy] 30/09/[yyyy]
Q3 FY[yyyy]-Oct-Dec 01/10/[yyyy] 31/12/[yyyy]
Q4 FY[yyyy+1]-Jan-Apr 01/01/[yyyy+1] 31/03/[yyyy+1]
Month-End Names and Periods

There are twelve months in a fiscal year. The table below provides dates representation for financial month-end names and periods.

Period Period Name Period Start Date Period End Date
e.g. April of FY2019
e.g. FY2019-Apr
e.g. 01/04/2018
e.g. 30/04/2018
May FY[yyyy]-May 01/05/[yyyy] 31/05/[yyyy]
June FY[yyyy]-Jun 01/06/[yyyy] 30/06/[yyyy]
July FY[yyyy]-Jul 01/07/[yyyy] 31/07/[yyyy]
August FY[yyyy]-Aug 01/08/[yyyy] 31/08/[yyyy]
September FY[yyyy]-Sep 01/09/[yyyy] 30/09/[yyyy]
October FY[yyyy]-Oct 01/10/[yyyy] 31/10/[yyyy]
November FY[yyyy]-Nov 01/11/[yyyy] 30/11/[yyyy]
December FY[yyyy]-Dec 01/12/[yyyy] 31/12/[yyyy]
January FY[yyyy+1]-Jan 01/01/[yyyy+1] 01/31/[yyyy+1]
February FY[yyyy+1]-Feb 01/02/[yyyy+1] 02/28/[yyyy+1]*
March FY[yyyy+1]-Mar 01/03/[yyyy+1] 31/03/[yyyy+1]

*29/02/[yyyy+1] in case of a leap year

Gregorian Calendar Year Usage

Taxes, research grants and external sponsors follow the Gregorian calendar year for reporting purposes. These are reported on from January 1st to December 31st every year.


The above guidelines on the Fiscal Periods and Representation standard must be complied at every stage of the data lifecycle with the exception of any dispensations (see Dispensation section):

  • All applications must collect date as recommended in this standard.
  • Enterprise Data Integration must adopt this standard.


Legacy systems are exempt from this data standard. As systems are replaced, adoption of this standard is required. Examples of legacy systems are:

  • Student Information System (SIS)
  • Human Resource Management System (HRMS)
  • Finance Management System (FMS)