Workday Name Component Integration Rules

Intended Audience and Contact Information

Contact Chief Data Officer, Office of the CIO
UDM Domain Person
Intended audience Internal UBC


This standard aims to provide integration rules for name components in Workday.

This standard applies to all UBC applications collecting Person Names. Exceptions are listed in the Dispensation section.


Workday Name Attributes Integration Rules

Workday Attributes That Correspond with Data Standard Attributes

Below are rules on how Workday name components that correspond to the data standard name attributes should be handled in integrations with other systems.

Workday Name Component

Corresponding Data Standard Attribute Name

Integration Rule

First Name Given Name Load Workday content for 'First Name' in the Given Name field.
Middle Name Middle Name Load Workday content for 'Middle Name' in the Middle Name field.
Primary Family Name Load Workday content for 'Primary' in the Family Name field.
Title Name Prefix Load Workday content for 'Title' in the Name Prefix field.
Hereditary Load Workday content for 'Hereditary' in the Name Prefix field.
Salutation Load Workday content for 'Salutation' in the Name Prefix field.
Social Name Suffix Load Workday content for 'Social' in the Name Suffix field.

Attributes That Do Not Correspond with Data Standard

Below are rules on how additional Workday name components should be handled in integrations with other systems.

  1. A consuming application should only obtain these additional components if it has additional name component fields that can accommodate them.
  2. The components below should never be consumed in the standard name components corresponding to the ones listed in the above section.
  3. Where additional name components are available in a consuming application, load Workday content in the following name components in the following order:

    [Full Name]
    [Local First Name] [Local Middle Name] [Local Primary]
    [Local First Name 2] [Local Primary 2]
    [Local Secondary]


This standard must be complied with through every stage of the data lifecycle with the exception of dispensations listed on the Dispensation section.

  • All applications must collect Person Name as recommended in this standard.
  • Enterprise Data Integration must adopt this standard.


Legacy systems are exempt from this data standard. Examples of legacy systems are:

  • Student Information System (SIS)
  • Human Resource Management System (HRMS)
  • Finance Management System (FMS)

As systems are replaced, adoption of this standard is required.

As existing systems change to adopt this standard, the Enterprise Data Governance team needs to be informed.

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