Academic Record Data Standard

Intended Audience and Contact Information

Contact Chief Data Officer, Office of the CIO
Intended Audience Internal UBC
UDM Domain Academic
Applicability Credit
Data Standard ID DS0102

Change Log

Standard Version Change Log
Standard Version Date Change Log

1.0 Data Standard Published.

2.0 Academic Record Status section supersedes former Data Standard known as “Academic Record Status Data Standard”.

3.0 Student Academic Standing section supersedes former Data Standard known as “Student Academic Standing Data Standard”.


An Academic Record is a student’s record of study in one or more learning instances.

An Academic Period Record is a student’s record of study in one or more learning instances for a given Academic Period.

A Primary Program of Study is a student’s mandatory program of study that encompasses the basic requirements and rules for a credential or for courses not intended to lead to a particular degree, diploma or certificate.


This standard aims to achieve consistency around the data collected for an Academic Record, and the format in which it is collected and stored.

This standard is derived by UBC and applies to all applications collecting Academic Records. Exceptions are listed in the Dispensation section.


Academic Record Data Elements

The following are the data elements associated with creating an Academic Record:

Data Element Definition Format
Academic Record Status

The state of the student's Academic Record in relation to their enrolment in a program of study.

In Workday this status is determined by the Program of Study Status selected for the student's Academic Record. A student may have multiple Academic Records, and each of their Academic Records will have an Academic Record Status and a Program of Study Status applied.

Reference List

See Academic Record Status section for accepted values.

Student Program of Study Status

The state of a student's enrolment in a Program of Study.

This status is separate from, and does not indicate, the registration status of a student. The registration status can be determined by viewing the student's course registration.

Reference List

See Student Program of Study Status Data Standard for more details.

Student Program of Study Status Reason

The explanation for the Program of Study Status assigned to a student.

Only the Discontinued, Suspended, and Dismissed Program of Study Statuses have the option of adding a configured Program of Study Status Reason. A Program of Study Status Reason can only be applied to the specific Program of Study Status for which it has been configured.

Reference List

See Student Program of Study Status Data Standard for more details.

Academic Period Record Data Elements

The following information is to be observed when creating or maintaining an Academic Period Record:

  1. Academic Period Records are only based on Winter Session and Summer Session Academic Period Types.

The following are the data elements and accepted values associated with creating an Academic Record:

Data Element Definition Format
Academic Period A period such as a session or term, with a defined start date and end date as per the governing Senate.
Academic Period Types are the unique Academic Periods that when combined define the Academic Year.
See Academic Periods Data Standard for more details.
Class Standing The year level of the student, determined based on criteria set by the University and/or Faculty for the student's Primary Program of Study.​
The criteria for Class Standing vary across different Programs of Study. Not all Programs of Study assign Class Standing to a student.​

Reference List

See Class Standing section for accepted values.

Student Academic Standing An indicator of academic performance for a given Academic Period.
This is also referred to as Student Academic Period Standing.

Reference List

See Student Academic Standing section for accepted values.

Additional Period Honours A permanent notation of the student record that recognizes exceptional academic achievement in an Academic Period.

Reference List

See Additional Period Honours section for accepted values.

Academic Record Status

The following are the accepted values for Academic Record Status:

Accepted Value University Glossary Term Definition
Active Active [Academic Record Status]

The status of a student's Academic Record that is still in progress.

This status is applied whenever the following Student Program of Study Statuses are applied to a student's Academic Record: Matriculated, In Progress, Leave of Absence, Pending Completion.

Inactive Inactive [Academic Record Status]

The status of a student's Academic Record that is no longer in progress.

This status is applied whenever the following Student Program of Study Statuses are applied to a student's Academic Record: Discontinued, Suspended, Dismissed, Completed.

Class Standing

The following are the accepted values for Class Standing:

Accepted Value University Glossary Term Definition
1 1 [Class Standing] The student is enrolled with 1st year standing in their Primary Program of Study .
2 2 [Class Standing] The student has met the requirements to achieve 2nd year standing in their Primary Program of Study.
3 3 [Class Standing] The student has met the requirements to achieve 3rd year standing in their Primary Program of Study.
4 4 [Class Standing] The student has met the requirements to achieve 4th year standing in their Primary Program of Study.
5 5 [Class Standing]

The student has met the requirements to achieve 5th year standing or is enrolled with 5th year standing in their Primary Program of Study.

Students in an Unclassified Program of Study are always assigned a Class Standing of 5 in order to manage their registration priority in the system.​

Student Academic Standing

The following are the accepted values for Student Academic Standing:

Accepted Value University Glossary Term Description
In Good Standing In Good Standing [Student Academic Standing]

Assigned to a student who has achieved sufficient academic performance that would allow them to proceed to the next Academic Period.

On Academic Probation On Academic Probation [Student Academic Standing]

Assigned to a student who does not have satisfactory academic performance (e.g., In Good Standing) but who is allowed, by meeting additional conditions, to proceed to the next Academic Period and to continue in their Program of Study.

Failed, Required to Withdraw Failed, Required to Withdraw [Student Academic Standing]

Assigned to a student who does not have satisfactory academic performance in a given Academic Period and who is not allowed to proceed to the next Academic Period.

Failed, Permitted to Continue Failed, Permitted to Continue [Student Academic Standing]

Assigned to a student who does not have satisfactory academic performance in a given Academic Period and who would normally be assigned a Failed - Required to Withdraw standing, but who has, as the result of an appeal or other decision, been given special concession by their Faculty or program permitting them to continue their studies without interruption.

This standing will not be awarded automatically, but will instead be placed on the record by the student's Faculty or program upon successful appeal of their Failed, Required to Withdraw standing.

In Review In Review [Student Academic Standing]

A temporary standing assigned to a student whose final Student Academic Standing cannot yet be determined due to missing or unavailable information.

This standing will be replaced with a final, permanent Student Academic Standing once the missing information is provided or becomes available.

Additional Period Honours

The following are the accepted values for Additional Period Honours:

Accepted Value University Glossary Term Description
Dean's List Dean's List [Additional Period Honours]

A notation that recognizes a student's exceptional academic achievement in their Program of Study, as defined by their Faculty or program, in a given Academic Period.

The following related Additional Period Honours have been discontinued: Dean's Honour List/Roll

Dean's Scholar Dean's Scholar [Additional Period Honours]

A notation used by those Faculties and programs who choose to employ a two-tier recognition system for exceptional academic achievement. Dean's Scholar recognizes what a Faculty or program defines as a second, higher tier of academic achievement (above Dean's List) in their Program of Study in a given Academic Period.

The following related Additional Period Honours have been discontinued: Science Scholar

None None [Additional Period Honours]

A value used in Additional Period Honours to signify that a student has not earned an Additional Period Honours value of Dean's List or Dean's Scholar in their Program of Study in a given Academic Period. This value is only used by Faculties or programs that use Additional Period Honours; Faculties and programs that do not use Additional Period Honours will not use this value.

This value is used as part of the methodology to break inheritance of academic standing and Additional Period Honours logic from superior Academic Units. For example, if the Faculty of Arts uses Additional Period Honours but the School of Social Work as a sub-unit of the Faculty of Arts does not, then the ‘None' value must be applied to all Bachelor of Social Work student records for the Academic Period to break rule inheritance.


This standard must be complied with every stage of the data lifecycle with the exception of any dispensations (see Dispensation section):

  • All applications must collect data as recommended in this standard.
  • Enterprise Data Integration must adopt this standard.

Reference Data Compliance for Data Integration

The use of accepted reference data values in this standard for data integration among applications must comply with the enterprise integration pattern of leveraging the reference data common service API (Application Programming Interface) published in UBC MuleSoft Exchange.

Any application that intends to access real-time, case-level reference data should have the application owner or manager complete and submit a Request API Access form.


A common service can only accommodate standard reference data enumerations that are available in the SoR as approved by the Data Governance Steering Committee or Data Trustee.

A reference data value that does not match any of the standard reference data value enumerations is considered ‘invalid’. Any records from a SoR containing an invalid reference data value for a given data element or attribute must be mapped as an ‘empty’ value in common service(s). Where a reference data value may potentially have the same meaning as a standard enumeration but named differently in the system of record can be corrected to match the appropriate standard enumeration. Please consult with the EDG team in such cases.

Additional Reference Data values in a SoR that are not part of the standard reference data enumerations are to be omitted in the common service.


Legacy systems are exempt from this data standard. As systems are replaced, adoption of this standard is required.

For any compliance questions or requests for a temporary dispensation, please contact the Enterprise Data Governance Team.