Curriculum Approving Body Data Standard

Intended Audience and Contact Information

Contact Chief Data Officer, Office of the CIO
Intended audience: Internal UBC
UDM Domain Organization
Data Standard ID DG0034

Change Log

Standard Version Date Change Log

1.0 Name of Data Standard changed from “UBC Senate and Other Curriculum Approving Body Data Standard” to “Curriculum Approving Body Data Standard”

2.0 Update to the definition of Curriculum Approving Body

3.0 Updated value names and definitions for the following values: Faculty of Applied Science (Vancouver and Okanagan), Faculty of Arts (Vancouver), Faculty of Dentistry (Vancouver), Faculty of Education (Vancouver and Okanagan), Faculty of Medicine (Vancouver), Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences (Vancouver), Faculty of Science (Vancouver), Peter A. Allard School of Law (Vancouver), Faculty of Commerce and Business Administration (Vancouver)

4.0 Added the following values: Faculty of Forestry (Vancouver), Faculty of Land and Food Systems (Vancouver), Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (Vancouver), UBC Vantage College (Vancouver), College of Graduate Studies (Okanagan), Faculty of Creative and Critical Studies (Okanagan), Faculty of Health and Social Development (Okanagan), Faculty of Management (Okanagan), Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (Okanagan), Faculty of Science (Okanagan)

5.0 Removed the following values: School of Nursing (Vancouver)


Addition of Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences (Vancouver) as a curriculum approving body.


Mapping of Invalid values From Systems(s) of Record (SoR) to Common Services sub-section of Compliance section added


1.0 Update to the definitions for accepted values:

  1. UBC Okanagan Senate
  2. UBC Vancouver Senate

2.0 Renaming of accepted values UBC Medicine Continuing Professional Development, UBC Law Continuing Professional Development, UBC Teacher Continuing Professional Development, UBC Engineering Professional Development, UBC Nursing Professional Development, and UBC Dentistry Continuing Education to the respective Faculty name.


Reference Data Compliance for Data Integration sub-section of Compliance section added


1.0 Data Standard Name Revised to "UBC Senate and Other Curriculum Approving Bodies Data Standard"

2.0 Term "UBC Vancouver" updated to "UBC Vancouver Senate"

3.0 Term "UBC Okanagan" updated to "UBC Okanagan Senate"

4.0 Addition of other approving body values.

5.0 Addition of Approving Body Acronym values.

2021-05-20 Data standard published


A Curriculum Approving Body is an entity that grants final approval of credit or non-credit learning opportunities.


This standard aims to document accepted values for Curriculum Approving Bodies within, and affiliated with, the university. Some Curriculum Approving Bodies also act as UBC Senates with additional associated responsibilities beyond curriculum approval; for further information please see the UBC Senate Data Standard.

This standard is derived by UBC and applies to all applications collecting Curriculum Approving Body. Exceptions are listed in the Dispensation section.


Curriculum Approving Body

The following are the accepted values for a Curriculum Approving Body:

Accepted Value Proposed Description Proposed Acronym
Vancouver Senate Curriculum Approving Body The Senate's functions pertaining to the final approval of credit or non-credit learning opportunities for programs under the jurisdiction of the Vancouver Senate. V
Okanagan Senate Curriculum Approving Body The Senate's functions pertaining to the final approval of credit or non-credit learning opportunities for programs under the jurisdiction of the Okanagan Senate. O
Extended Learning (Vancouver) The approving body for UBC's Extended Learning curriculum. VX
Faculty of Applied Science (Vancouver and Okanagan) The approving body for Applied Science professional or continuing education non-credit curriculum for UBC, and the approving body for the Faculty's non-credit credentials curricula as stipulated in and delegated by the Vancouver Senate in Senate Policy V-129 and the Okanagan Senate in Senate Policy O-129. VE
Faculty of Arts (Vancouver)

The approving body for Arts non-credit curriculum for UBC's Vancouver Campus, community program education curriculum, and the approving body for the Faculty's non-credit credentials curricula as stipulated in and delegated by the Vancouver Senate in Senate Policy V-129.

Community program education curriculum for the Faculty of Arts includes programs such as Humanities 101 and Musqueam 101.

Faculty of Dentistry (Vancouver) The approving body for Dentistry non-credit curriculum for UBC's Vancouver Campus, and the approving body for the Faculty's non-credit credentials curricula as stipulated in and delegated by the Vancouver Senate in Senate Policy V-129. VD
Faculty of Education (Vancouver and Okanagan) The approving body for Education non-credit curriculum for UBC, and the approving body for the Faculty's non-credit credentials curricula as stipulated in and delegated by the Vancouver Senate in Senate Policy V-129 and the Okanagan Senate in Senate Policy O-129. VT
Faculty of Forestry (Vancouver) The approving body for Forestry non-credit curriculum for UBC's Vancouver Campus, and the approving body for the Faculty's non-credit credentials curricula as stipulated in and delegated by the Vancouver Senate in Senate Policy V-129. VF
Faculty of Land and Food Systems (Vancouver) The approving body for Land and Food Systems non-credit curriculum for UBC's Vancouver Campus, and the approving body for the Faculty's non-credit credentials curricula as stipulated in and delegated by the Vancouver Senate in Senate Policy V-129. VQ
Faculty of Medicine (Vancouver) The approving body for Medicine non-credit curriculum for UBC, and the approving body for the Faculty's non-credit credentials curricula as stipulated in and delegated by the Vancouver Senate in Senate Policy V-129. VM
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences (Vancouver) The approving body for Pharmaceutical Sciences non-credit curriculum for UBC's Vancouver Campus, and the approving body for the Faculty's non-credit credentials curricula as stipulated in and delegated by the Vancouver Senate in Senate Policy V-129. VP
Faculty of Science (Vancouver)

The approving body for Science professional or non-credit curriculum for UBC's Vancouver Campus, the community program education curriculum, and the approving body for the Faculty's non-credit credentials curricula as stipulated in and delegated by the Vancouver Senate in Senate Policy V-129.

Community program education curriculum for the Faculty of Science includes programs such as Science 101.

Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (Vancouver) The approving body for Graduate and Postdoctoral non-credit curriculum for UBC's Vancouver Campus, and the approving body for the Faculty's non-credit credentials curricula as stipulated in and delegated by the Vancouver Senate in Senate Policy V-129. VG
Peter A. Allard School of Law (Vancouver) The approving body for Law non-credit curriculum for UBC's Vancouver Campus, and the approving body for the Faculty's non-credit credentials curricula as stipulated in and delegated to this Faculty by the Vancouver Senate in Senate Policy V-129. VL
Faculty of Commerce and Business Administration (Vancouver)

The approving body for Business non-credit curriculum for UBC's Vancouver Campus, and the approving body for the School's non-credit credentials curricula as stipulated in and delegated to the Faculty by the Vancouver Senate in Senate Policy V-129.

Non-credit curriculum in the Faculty of Commerce and Business Administration includes programs such as Continuing Business Studies and Executive Education.

UBC Vantage College (Vancouver) The approving body for Vantage College non-credit curriculum for UBC's Vancouver Campus, and the approving body for the College's non-credit credentials curricula if allowed by the Vancouver Senate in Senate Policy V-129. VC
College of Graduate Studies (Okanagan) The approving body for Graduate Studies non-credit curriculum for UBC's Okanagan Campus, and the approving body for the College's non-credit credentials curricula as stipulated in and delegated to this body by the Okanagan Senate in Senate Policy O-129. OG
Faculty of Creative and Critical Studies (Okanagan) The approving body for Creative and Critical Studies non-credit curriculum for UBC's Okanagan Campus, and the approving body for the Faculty's non-credit credentials curricula as stipulated in and delegated by the Okanagan Senate in Senate Policy O-129. OC
Faculty of Health and Social Development (Okanagan) The approving body for Health and Social Development non-credit curriculum for UBC's Okanagan Campus, and the approving body for the Faculty's non-credit credentials curricula as stipulated in and delegated by the Okanagan Senate in Senate Policy O-129. OH
Faculty of Management (Okanagan) The approving body for Management non-credit for UBC's Okanagan Campus, and the approving body for the Faculty's non-credit credentials curricula as stipulated in and delegated by the Okanagan Senate in Senate Policy O-129. ON
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (Okanagan) The approving body for Arts and Social Sciences non-credit curriculum for UBC's Okanagan Campus, and the approving body for the Faculty's non-credit credentials curricula as stipulated in and delegated by the Okanagan Senate in Senate Policy O-129. OA
Faculty of Science (Okanagan) The approving body for Science non-credit curriculum for UBC's Okanagan Campus, and the approving body for the Faculty's non-credit credentials curricula as stipulated in and delegated by the Okanagan Senate in Senate Policy O-129. OS
Carey Theological College The approving body for Carey Theological College curriculum. XC
Regent College The approving body for Regent College curriculum. XR
St. Marks College The approving body for St. Marks College curriculum. XY
Vancouver School of Theology The approving body for the Vancouver School of Theology curriculum. XZ


This standard must be complied with through every stage of the data lifecycle with the exception of any dispensations (see Dispensation section below):

  • All applications must collect the data as recommended in this standard.
  • Enterprise Data Integration must adopt this standard.

Reference Data Compliance for Data Integration

The use of accepted reference data values in this standard for data integration among applications must comply with the enterprise integration pattern of leveraging the reference data common service API (Application Programming Interface) published in UBC MuleSoft Exchange.

Any application that intends to access real-time, case-level reference data should have the application owner or manager complete and submit a Request API Access form.


A common service can only accommodate standard reference data enumerations that are available in the SoR as approved by the Data Governance Steering Committee or Data Trustee.

A reference data value that does not match any of the standard reference data value enumerations is considered ‘invalid’. Any records from a SoR containing an invalid reference data value for a given data element or attribute must be mapped as an ‘empty’ value in common service(s). Where a reference data value may potentially have the same meaning as a standard enumeration but named differently in the system of record can be corrected to match the appropriate standard enumeration. Please consult with the EDG team in such cases.

Additional Reference Data values in a SoR that are not part of the standard reference data enumerations are to be omitted in the common service.


Legacy systems are exempt from this data standard. As systems are replaced, adoption of this standard is required. Examples of legacy systems are:

  • Student Information System (SIS)

In Workday Student, for defined learning instances such as program of study or course, the "Allowed Location" field utilizes the values "UBC Vancouver" and "UBC Okanagan" as values representing the Senate Location tied to the approving Senate.

For any compliance questions or requests for a temporary dispensation, please contact the Enterprise Data Governance Team.

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