Lived Experience in Government Care Data Standard

Intended Audience and Contact Information

Contact Chief Data Officer, Office of the CIO
Intended Audience Internal UBC
UDM Domain Demographic Data
Data Standard ID DG0078


This standard aims to achieve consistency around the data collected for a person that is or has Lived Experience in Government Care, and the format in which it is collected and stored across the University.

A person with lived experience in government care is someone who is living or has lived under a British Columbia Ministry of Children and Family Development Care program such as Youth in Care.

This standard applies to all UBC applications collecting Lived Experience in Government Care data. Exceptions are listed in the Dispensation section.


The following are the accepted values for Lived Experience in Government Care:

Accepted Data Value Definition
Yes A person who identifies as someone with lived experience in government care.
No A person who does not identify as someone with lived experience in government care.
I am not sure A person who is not sure if they identify as someone with lived experience in government care.
Choose not to disclose Response for a person who chooses not to disclose
Guideline for Data Collection

Data Trustee

For Student Data: Registrar

For Employee (Staff and Faculty) Data: Associate VP, Equity and Inclusion Office

Data Steward

Vancouver Student Data: Deputy Registrar, UBCV

Okanagan Student Data: Deputy Registrar, UBCO

Faculty and Staff Data: Associate VP, Equity and Inclusion Office

Purpose for Collection

In alignment with UBC's commitments to inclusive excellence and anti-racism and in support of numerous strategic initiatives aiming to advance equity, diversity, and inclusion at UBC, data will be used to enable the university to better understand a person's experience at UBC, support inclusion and success, and assess progress of equity, diversity, and inclusion.

  • Equity: Collected data can support the institution to improve its understanding of a person's accessibility to the resources they need to succeed, to improve their UBC journey and to positively enhance their overall experience. Collected information may also signal systemic barriers and inequities where they exist including observation of patterns or trends with respect to recruitment, retention, participation, engagement, learning, performance, success, and support for individuals.
  • Diversity: Collected data will improve understanding of the nuance and complexity of UBC's diverse community including how it compares with other institutions or communities, and how it changes or needs to change over time. Understanding the different diverse groups will enhance UBC's allocation of resources to ensure equitable treatment and opportunities for all individuals regardless of their identity or background.
  • Inclusion: Collected data will inform the understanding of the extent to which experiences may differ for people of different identities and backgrounds. This includes the extent to which a person feels welcome, respected, and that they belong.

Process for Collection

This data must be self-declared, and not derived or collected from a third party. An individual can update their response at any time.

Pre-Approved Data Access in the System of Record

  • PAIR
  • EIO
  • Enrolment Services

Data Access Request Process for All Others

If your department is not listed in the Pre-Approved Data Access section above, a Data Access Request (DAR) is needed. Visit ACCESS UBC DATA for more information and to access a Data Access Request form.

Data can only be shared at an aggregated level. If case-level data is needed, approval must come from the Data Access Committee.

Guideline on Phrasing of Questions in a Survey

UBC is committed to advancing the educational access of former and current youth in government (BC Ministry of Children and Family Development) care. If you are or were a child or youth in care, the university has a number of wrap-around supports to enhance your experience at UBC.

You can learn more about youth in care services at UBC here:

Do you identify as a person with lived experience in government (British Columbia’s MCFD) care? (i.e.: Ministry of Children and Family Development Care or Youth Agreement).

  • Yes
  • No
  • I am not sure
  • Choose not to disclose


The above standard must be complied at every stage of the data lifecycle with the exception of any dispensations (see Dispensation section).

  • All applications must collect data as recommended in this standard.
  • Enterprise Data Integration must adopt this standard.

Reference Data Compliance for Data Integration

The use of accepted reference data values in this standard for data integration among applications must comply with the enterprise integration pattern of leveraging the reference data common service API (Application Programming Interface) published in UBC MuleSoft Exchange.

Any application that intends to access real-time, case-level reference data should have the application owner or manager complete and submit a Request API Access form.


A common service can only accommodate standard reference data enumerations that are available in the SoR as approved by the Data Governance Steering Committee or Data Trustee.

A reference data value that does not match any of the standard reference data value enumerations is considered 'invalid'. Any records from a SoR containing an invalid reference data value for a given data element or attribute must be mapped as an 'empty' value in common service(s). Where a reference data value may potentially have the same meaning as a standard enumeration but named differently in the system of record can be corrected to match the appropriate standard enumeration. Please consult with the EDG team in such cases.

Additional Reference Data values in a SoR that are not part of the standard reference data enumerations are to be omitted in the common service.


Legacy systems are exempt from this data standard. As systems are replaced, adoption of this standard is required. Examples of legacy systems are:

  • Student Information System (SIS)

As existing systems change to adopt this standard, the Enterprise Data Governance team needs to be informed.

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