Program of Study Data Standard

Intended Audience and Contact Information

Contact Chief Data Officer, Office of the CIO
Intended audience: Internal UBC
UDM Domain Academic
Applicability Credit, Non-Credit
Data Standard ID DS0052

Change Log

Standard Version Date Change Log
  1. Changed all reference of the term Educational Credential to Credential
  2. Addition of the following sections to the data standard: Definition, Program Area and Program Area Type Guidelines, Program of Study Credit Basis, Appendices
  3. Updates to the Program of Study Attributes section:3.1 Addition of Applicability column to indicate if the attribute applies to Credit or Non-Credit
    1. Updated name of the Owning Academic Unit and Coordinating Academic Unit attributes to Awarding Academic Unit and Administering Academic Unit respectively, with updated definitions
    2. Updated name of the UBC Senates and Curriculum Approving Body attribute to Curriculum Approving Body
    3. Added the following attributes: Program Area, Program Area Type, Program of Study Credit Basis
    4. Removed reference to required fields in Workday4.0 Updates to the Program of Study Types section:4.1 Updated name of Certificate Program to Academic-Credit Certificate Program
  4. Added the following values: Non-Credit Credential Program, Non-Credit Youth Program
    1. Updated definition for Professional and Continuing Education Program
  5. Updates to Scenarios 1B and 5B in the Program of Study Code Standard
  6. Addition of dispensations in Workday for Program of Study Type, Program of Study Subject Code, and Credential Code in the Dispensation section
2023-02-03 Update to the definition of the Program of Study Type Program Focus and its respective Program of Study Code Standard in Scenario 4B.

Update of subject code for generic 'Undergraduate' COOP programs from UNGR to UGRD.


Mapping of Invalid values From Systems(s) of Record (SoR) to Common Services sub-section of Compliance section added

  1. Updated Program of Study attribute name from “Senate Location” to “UBC Senates and Curriculum Approving Body”
  2. Addition of Program of Study Types, their associated acronyms and definitions:
    1. Professional and Continuing Education Program
    2. Community Program
    3. Affiliate Program
  3. Addition of Scenarios 5B and 5C under Program of Study Code Standard.

1.0 Within the Program of Study Code Standard, updates to Component 2 and Component 3 rules in Scenario 4C


1.0 Addition of Program of study Type and Acronym Program Focus (PGFS).

2.0 Within the Program of Study Code Standard, reinstating of Scenario 4B to cater for new PoS Type Program Focus (PGFS).


Within the Program of Study Code Standard, deprecation of Scenario 4B.


Program of Study Type Name and Acronym First Year Gateway Program (FYGP) changed to Specialized Program Academic Opportunity (SPAO)


A Program of Study is a path of studies that a learner applies to through either an application or registration process and are admitted into, and which leads to a specific outcome or credential following the completion of a number of requirements.


This standard aims to achieve consistency around the data collected for a Program of Study, and the format in which it is collected and stored.

This standard is derived by UBC and applies to all applications collecting Programs of Study. Exceptions are listed in the Dispensation section.


Program of Study Attributes

The following are the data elements and accepted values associated with creating a Program of Study:

Data Element Definition Applicability Format
Program of Study Name A name for a program of study. Credit, Non-Credit


See Program of Study Code and Name section for more information.

Program of Study Type A classification of a program of study used to control functionality, such as registration and application processes. Credit, Non-Credit

Reference List

See Program of Study Types section for accepted values.

Program of Study Code A unique identifier for a program of study. Credit, Non-Credit


See Program of Study Code and Name section for more information.

Credential Conveys UBC's recognition that a program has been successfully completed. Degrees, Diplomas and Certificates are all types of Credentials. Credit, Non-Credit

Reference List

See the Credentials Lists for the Okanagan campus and the Vancouver campus.

Academic Level See the Academic Level Data Standard for more information. Credit, Non-Credit See Academic Level Data Standard for more information.

Awarding Academic Unit

This is also referred to as Owning Academic Unit in Workday.

The Academic Unit that has been identified as an owner of a specific Program of Study.

Credit, Non-Credit


See Internal Organization Data Standard for more information.

Administering Academic Unit

This is also referred to as Coordinating Academic Unit in Workday.

The Academic Unit that can administer additional academic requirements and academic progression rules for a specific Program of Study within Workday.

Credit, Non-Credit


See Internal Organization Data Standard for more information.

Effective Date The date that controls which version of the Program of Study is available in the system. The version with latest effective date no later than the current date is the active version. Credit, Non-Credit YYYY-MM-DD
First Entry Date The earliest date a Program is offered and students can matriculate (enroll) into the Program. Credit, Non-Credit YYYY-MM-DD
Last Entry Date The last date a Program is offered. Credit, Non-Credit YYYY-MM-DD
Educational Taxonomy Code The Canadian Classification of Instructional Program (CIP) code. Credit

See Collibra for accepted values.

Curriculum Approving Body

This attribute is referred to as Allowed Locations in Workday.

The Senate, Faculty, School or Affiliate that approves the Program of Study.

Credit, Non-Credit See Curriculum Approving Body Data Standard for more information.
Program Area

A grouping of Programs of Study across different units based on similarities in order to facilitate administrative processes or shared ownership between multiple units.

Some examples of how Program Areas are used include but are not limited to:

  • Gaining efficiency in applying the same student eligibility rules to different programs across different units;
  • Optimizing reporting by filtering data for a specific grouping;
  • Modelling current UBC governance structure by identifying owning units for those programs of study that are owned by multiple units as a workaround to current configuration limitations on Owning Academic Units versus Coordinating Academic Units.
Credit See Program Area and Program Area Type Guideline for more information.
Program Area Type

The category of Program Areas based on a shared administrative purpose(s).

Credit See Program Area and Program Area Type Guideline for more information.
Program of Study Credit Basis

Indicates if the Program of Study is Credit or Non-Credit.

Credit, Non-Credit

Reference List

See Progam of Study Credit Basis section for accepted valaues.

Program of Study Types

Below are the types of Programs of Study:

Program of Study Type Name Program of Study Type Acronym Type Description

Academic-Credit Certificate Program

CERT A Senate-approved program of study as defined in Policies O-128 and V-128, which includes Undergraduate, Post-baccalaureate, Graduate, and Post-graduate Certificates.
Degree Program DEGR A program of study recognized as a degree by the Province of British Columbia that typically consists of at least a year of study, and may be at the undergraduate or graduate level.
Diploma Program DIPL A Senate Curriculum Committee approved program of study that is typically equivalent to one to two years of study, and may be at the upper-division undergraduate or graduate level.
Secondary Pathway SCND

A program of study consisting of a second specialization* that can be added to a Degree Program and cannot exist as a stand-alone program.

*with the exception of Minors

Program Focus PGFS

A secondary Program of Study Type consisting of a subset of academic requirements the student has chosen in order to complete the associated primary Program of Study, and does not require the student to switch to a new Degree Program of Study Type.

Vantage One VONE A specially-designed pathway for an international student who does not yet meet the English language admission requirements for direct Faculty entry to UBC
Undeclared Degree Program UNDC A Degree Program in which the student has not selected a field or program of study to focus on.
Access Studies ACST A program of study for a student who has not completed a degree and is taking courses for general interest or for professional reasons, not toward a UBC degree, diploma or certificate.
Exchange EXCH A program of study for a student registered at UBC under a Senate-approved student exchange program and enrolled in studies for transfer to a degree program at that institution. The student pays tuition fees to their home institution.
Residency Program RESP A program of study for postgraduate training.
Unclassified UNCL A program of study for a student who has completed a degree and is enrolled in studies not intended to lead to a particular degree, diploma or certificate.
Visiting VIST A program of study where a learner is enrolled in studies or conducts research for transfer to a program of study at another recognized post-secondary institution. The student pays tuition fees to UBC.
Co-operative Education COOP A program of study that involves a partnership between a student, an employer and UBC, that formally integrates a student's academic studies with paid, approved, career-related work experience in participating employer organizations.
External Auxiliary EAUX A program of study specific to Workday used to track UBC's portion of a program with an external institution used to track academic requirements, tuition and/or fees.
Specialized Program Academic Opportunity SPAO A program of study used to track a program that allows for an alternate way of completing a component of a Degree program resulting in a transcript notation, and does not exist as a standalone program.
Qualifying Program QLFP A program of study that allows a student to complete requirements for full admission to their degree program.
Minor MINR A pathway of smaller specialization outside the primary Major, Combined Major, Honours or Combined Honours program.
Visiting Agreement VISG A program of study used to track a student in various agreements with other external institutions which may have an impact on tuition and does not exist as a standalone program.
Advisory ADVS A program of study specific to Workday used to track academic requirements, tuition and/or fees, where the program does not appear on a student's transcript until a set of conditions are met.
Joint Program JNTP A program of study that consists of a single credential program delivered by UBC and another institution.
Dual Credential Program DCGR A program of study that consists of two official credential programs delivered by UBC or in partnership with another Institution, where a student must complete requirements for both programs to obtain a credential for each.
Non-Credit Credential Program
NCCP A non-credit credential program of study inclusive of certificates and letters with campus defined requirements as per Policy O-129 and V-129.
Non-Credit Youth Program NCYP A program of study for learners under the age of majority used to track a non-credit UBC learning opportunity.
Professional and Continuing Education Program PCEP A program of study used to track learners in a non-credit UBC continuing education program or a non-credit professional learning opportunity.
Community Program CMMP A program of study used to track learners in a non-credit UBC learning opportunity that is offered to members of the community.
Affiliate Program AFFL A program of study used to track learners in an Affiliated Institution.
Program of Study Name Standard

The following general rules are applied when entering a Program of Study name:

  1. Enter the Program of Study name in full.
  2. Enter the approving Senate name in brackets as a suffix i.e. “(Vancouver)” for the Vancouver Senate and “(Okanagan)” for the Okanagan Senate.
  3. Abbreviations are not allowed except for approved acronyms that are listed here. Abbreviations can obscure the meaning of a term.
  4. Use Title Case for all prime words.
  5. Cannot contain special characters with the exception of apostrophe, hyphen, and brackets. Language-specific characters are allowed.
  6. Cannot contain any embedded information if not part of the name e.g. inactive flag or status.
  7. Cannot be concatenated with the program of study code in the distinctive name field.
  8. Single word names (such as Kinesiology) are not sufficiently distinct from other names containing the same word and hence, are not allowed.
  9. Numerals may only be used if it is part of the distinctive element 
  10. Refer to Data Entry In Free-Form Text Fields for more guidance.

Program of Study Name Components

Name components are dependent on certain conditions. Below are the three main component structures for a Program of Study name.

  1. Where a Program of Study contains a Credential ONLY e.g. an undeclared, degree, a degree program that does not require a declaration, a certificate or diploma:

    CredentialDescription1 (SenateName2)

  2. Where a Program of Study contains a Credential (with the exception of B.Ed. Programs) and a Specialization and/or Pathway selection in one or more subjects.

    CredentialName1, SpecializationName3 in SubjectName4, PathwaySelectionName3 in SubjectName4 (SenateName2)

  3. Where a Program of Study is for Bachelor of Education program:

    CredentialName1, Teaching Level5, SpecializationName3 in SubjectName4, PathwaySelectionName3 in SubjectName4 (SenateName2)

  4. Where a Program of Study is a Joint program:

    CredentialName1, SpecializationName3 in SubjectName4 (SenateName2 and [OtherInstitutionAcronym] )

  5. Where a Program of Study is a Dual Credential program offered by UBC only, use one of the following depending on the nature of the program:
    • CredentialDescription11, CredentialDescription21 (SenateName2)

      Example: Master of Science in Craniofacial Science, Diploma in Orthodontics (Vancouver)

    • CredentialDescription1, CredentialName1 in SubjectName4 (SenateName2)

      Example: Bachelor of Laws, M.B.A. in Finance and International Business (Vancouver)

    • CredentialName11 in SubjectName1, CredentialName21 in SubjectName4 (SenateName2)

      Example: M.A. in Asia Pacific Policy Studies, M.A. in Planning (Vancouver)

  6. Where a Program of Study is a Dual Credential program offered by UBC and another institution:

    Format: Consult the Enterprise Data Governance team on the accepted format

1Appendix A shows sample data distinguishing Credential Description and Credential Name. Refer to the list of credentials for the Vancouver campus and for the Okanagan campus.
2 Enter "Vancouver" for a UBC Vancouver Senate-approved program and "Okanagan" for UBC Okanagan Senate-approved program.
3 Refer to the Specialization and Pathway Names and Codes section for a list of specialization and/or pathway selection names.
4 Refer to the Subject List and their respective subject codes for the Vancouver campus and the Okanagan campus . Where a 'subjectname' and its respective 'subjectcode' are not available in the <Subject List> a request will need to be made to the <Senate Secretariate> to add the subject name and code to the subject list even if it is not for a Senate approved subject.
5 Enter "Elementary" or "Elementary and Middle", or "Middle", or "Middle and Secondary" or "Secondary" as appropriate.
6 Use a recognized Institution Acronym e.g. "BCIT" for the British Columbia Institute of Technology.

Representation of Credential in a Program of Study Name
  1. Use the Credential Description where a program of study name contains a Credential ONLY.

    Bachelor of Arts (Okanagan)
    Certificate in Infant Development and Supported Childcare (Vancouver)

  2. Use the Credential Name where a program of study* name contains:
    • a Credential in a subject,
    • a Credential with a specialization in and/or pathway selection in or within a subject.
      Acceptable Not Acceptable
      B.Sc. Applied Biology, Honours in Sustainable Agriculture and Environment (Vancouver) B.Sc. (APBI), Honours Sustainable Agriculture and Environment (Vancouver)
      B.A., Concentration in French (Okanagan) Bachelor of Arts, Concentration in French (Okanagan)
  3. Eliminate brackets where a Credential Name contains them. See example above.

*With the exception of Bachelor of Education Programs.

Representation of a Subject, Specialization and Pathway in a Program of Study* Name
  1. Enter the subject name, specialization name and/or pathway name in full.
  2. Where a Credential is included in the program of study name, the credential name must appear before a subject (if available), specialization name and/or pathway name.
  3. Where both a specialization and a pathway are available in a program of study name, the specialization name must come before the pathway name.
  4. Where available, a subject name related to the specified specialization or pathway must come after the specialization name or pathway name with the exception of the pathway selection type Option.
  5. Use a comma to separate the combinations of credential name in a subject(s) (if available), specialization name in a subject and/or pathway name in a subject.
  6. Use "in" before a subject name.
  7. Use "and" only when it is part of the subject. Use "and" instead of "&".

Examples for above rules include:

Acceptable Not Acceptable
B.A., Combined Major in Art History and Visual Culture, Cultural Studies (Okanagan) B.A., Comb Maj in Art Hist & Vis Culture & Cultural Stds (Okanagan)
B.A., Honours in Classical, Near East and Religious Studies, Emphasis in Archaeology (Vancouver) B.A., Hon Classical:Near East&Religious Stud Emp Archaeo (Vancouver)
B.Com., Option in Accounting (Vancouver) B.Com.,Accounting Option (Vancouver)
Option in Finance (Vancouver) Finance Option (Vancouver)

*With the exception of Bachelor of Education Programs

Program of Study Code Standard

A Program of Study code will be used to derive reporting and analytics, as well as integrations with downstream applications that will consume data from the system of record.

Program of Study Code Structure


Below are the contents and requirements of each component:

Component 1 Component 2 Component 3 Component 4
Required Required Required Required
PoS Type Acronym1 Credential Code2 Defined Rules related to presence of Specializations, Subjects, and other edge cases.3 Senate/Approving Body Acronym4

Below are the rules for the component structure and their respective components:

  1. The code must always consist of four components
  2. Use colon ":" to separate components.
  3. Use dash "-" to separate sub-components.
  4. Cannot contain any space. Use underscore "_" within sub-components.
  5. "_V" or "_O" present in a subject code must be left as-is.
  6. Can only contain uppercase alpha characters.
  7. Cannot have numeric or other special character values.

Program of Study Component Rules

Below are the conditions and rules for the structure of the Program of Study code. For examples, see Program of Study Code Scenarios and Examples.

'X' indicates that the component is required. Complete the information with the appropriate value.

# Condition Component 1
PoS Type Acronym
Component 2
Credential Code
Component 3
Component 4
Senate/Approving Body Acronym
1A Type is UNDECLARED, DEGREE, or CERTIFICATE or DIPLOMA, and name includes a credential only. X X   X
1B Type is DIPLOMA, and name includes a credential and a subject (if available), or NON-CREDIT CREDENTIAL X X SubjectCode5 (if available) X
2A Type is DEGREE and Name DOES NOT INCLUDE a Specialization and INCLUDES one or more subjects. DEGR X SubjectCode1-SubjectCode26 X
2B Type is DEGREE and Name INCLUDES a Specializations or Pathway Selection in one or more subjects (with the exception of B.Ed. Degree Programs). DEGR X SpecializationCode7-SubjectCode1-SubjectCode2
2C Type is DEGREE in a subject and Name INCLUDES a Specialization or Pathway Selection in one or more subjects (with the exception of B.Ed. Degree Programs) DEGR X SubjectCode1-SpecializationCode-SubjectCode2
2D Type is DEGREE and program is a B.Ed. Degree Program with a specialization in a subject(s) DEGR


*Derived from the program of study name

SpecializationCode-SubjectCode1-SubjectCode2-SubjectCode31 X
2E Type is DEGREE and Name INCLUDES a Specialization and Pathway Selection within the subject (with the exception of B.Ed. Degree Programs) DEGR X SpecializationCode-SubjectCode1-PathwaySelectionCode-SubjectCode2 X
2F Type is JOINT PROGRAM, and may have a Specialization or Pathway Selection in one or more subjects. JNTP CredentialCode_OtherInstitutionAcronym


*If available.

2G Type is ADVISORY and program of study is a Dual Credential Program. ADVS-DCGR X


*If available.

2H Type is ADVISORY and program of study is a JOINT Program. ADVS-JNTP X SubjectCode*


*If available.

3A Type is MINOR in one or more subjects. MINR   MIN-SubjectCode1-SubjectCode2-SubjectCode3 X
3B Type is MINOR and Name INCLUDES a Specialization and a Pathway Selection within the subject MINR   MIN-SubjectCode1-PathwaySelectionCode-SubjectCode2 X
4A Type is SECONDARY PATHWAY and Name INCLUDES a Specialization or Pathway Selection within the subject. SCND   SpecializationCode-SubjectCode
4B Type is PROGRAM FOCUS and Name INCLUDES a Subject or a Pathway Selection within the subject. PGFS X SubjectCode
4C Type is CO-OPERATIVE EDUCATION and Name INCLUDES a Pathway Selection within the subject. COOP   SubjectCode18 X


X   SubjectCode (if known)10 excluding prepositions (don't include Senate) X
5C Type is AFFILIATE PROGRAM. X   EXT_XC11 or EXT_XR11 or EXT_XY11 or EXT_XZ11 excluding prepositions (don't include Senate) X

1Refer to the Program of Study Types section for PoS Type acronym.
2Consult the Enterprise Data Governance team for the list of Credential Codes.
3Refer to the Program of Study Component Rules section for more information.
4See UBC Senates and Other Curriculum Approving Bodies Data Standard for appropriate acronym value.
5Refer to the Subject List and their respective subject codes for the Vancouver campus and the Okanagan campus. Where a 'subjectname' and its respective 'subjectcode' are not available in the <Subject List>, submit a request to the <Senate Secretariate> to add the subject and subject code to the subject list even if it is not for a Senate approved subject.
6Where a Program of Study name contains multiple subjects, or combination of Specializations and subjects, list the SpecializationCodes and SubjectCodes in the order in which they appear in the name.
7For a list of specializations and pathway selections and their respective codes, refer to the Specializations and Specialization Codes section.
8For generic COOP program names: “Undergraduate Co-operative Education (Vancouver)” use ‘UGRD_V’; for “Undergraduate Co-operative Education (Okanagan)” use ‘UGRD_O’; for “Graduate Co-operative Education (Vancouver)” use ‘GRAD_V’; for “Graduate Co-operative Education (Okanagan)” use ‘GRAD_O’.
9If a duplicate PoS code exists, use FirstTwoLettersofEveryPrimeWord excluding prepositions.
10Leave blank of subject code is not known.
11Use: EXT_XC for Carey Theological College; EXT_XR for Regent College; EXT_XY for St. Marks College; EXT_XZ for Vancouver School of Theology.

Specialization and Pathway Names and Codes

A specialization or pathway selection is a discrete set of academic requirements that makes up a component of a program. Below is a list of accepted values and the respective codes for specializations:

Specialization Type Code
Major MAJ
Combined Major CMJ
Honours HON
Combined Honours CHN
Minor MIN
General GEN

Below is a list of accepted values and the respective codes for pathway selections:

Pathway Selection Type Code
Concentration CON
Emphasis EMP
Option OPT
Stream STR
Program of Study Credit Basis

The following are the accepted values for Program of Study Credit Basis :

Accepted Value University Glossary Term Definition
Credit Credit [Program of Study Credit Basis] The program of study has been approved by the Okanagan Senate or Vancouver Senate to lead to a UBC academic credit credential or UBC academic credit standing.
Non-Credit Non Credit [Program of Study Credit Basis] The program of study has been approved by the appropriate UBC Curriculum Approving Body to lead to a UBC non credit credential.
Not Applicable Not Applicable [Program of Study Credit Basis]

The program of study has not been approved by a Senate-designated UBC Curriculum Approving Body to qualify for any type of credential or standing from UBC.

For example, UBC Affiliate College programs are considered neither Credit or Non Credit as they do not lead to a UBC academic credit credential or UBC non-credit credential.


This standard must be complied with every stage of the data lifecycle with the exception of any dispensations (see Dispensation section):

  • All applications must collect data as recommended in this standard.
  • Enterprise Data Integration must adopt this standard.



Program of Study Type

Program of study types in Workday may not align with the types listed in this data standard.

Program of Study Subject Code

Workday does not currently have an attribute/object to store the Program of Study Subject Code data, but instead captures this data within the third component of the Program of Study Code. In order to obtain the Program of Study Subject Code the data must be retrieved by parsing the Program of Study Code. This complicates the maintenance of these subject codes including their definitions, which in turn has implications for reporting.

A dispensation has been granted until such time that a “Program of Study Subject” object can be added to Workday so that the data can be easily accessed and maintained for operations and reporting purposes. This is to be addressed as part of the IRP Student Completion project.

Credential Code

Workday does not currently have an attribute/object to store the Credential Code data, but instead captures this data within the second component of the Program of Study Code. In order to obtain the Credential Code the data must be retrieved by parsing the Program of Study Code. This complicates the maintenance of these credential codes including their definitions, which in turn has implications for reporting.

A dispensation has been granted until such time that a “Credential” object can be added to Workday so that the data can be easily accessed and maintained for operations and reporting purposes. This is to be addressed as part of the IRP Student Completion project.

Legacy Systems

Legacy systems are exempt from this data standard. As systems are replaced, adoption of this standard is required. Examples of legacy systems are:

  • Student Information System (SIS)

For any compliance questions or requests for a temporary dispensation, please contact the Enterprise Data Governance Team.

Related Documents

  1. Programs of Study and Credentials
  2. Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) Canada 2021
  3. Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) Canada 2016


Apendix A