Intended Audience and Contact Information
Contact | Chief Data Officer, Office of the CIO |
Intended audience: | Internal UBC |
UDM Domain | All |
This standard aims to achieve consistency with how identifiers are defined and structured within Workday. Naming of Reference IDs has major downstream impact including:
- the ability to manipulate objects and their values programmatically i.e., whether it is possible to access, integrate, and/or automate the management of Workday objects within the UBC application ecosystem, and
- maintenance and sustainment of the ID (i.e., how confusing, difficult to remember, and/or outdated the keys become if they are not aligned with best practices).
This standard is to be adhered to with regard to user-defined Workday Reference IDs. Exceptions are listed below under the Dispensation section.
Workday identifier types
Identifier | Definition |
Reference ID | A unique ID for an object or field that can be system-generated or user-defined.
Workday ID (not applicable to this standard) |
A system-generated unique identifier for every object and field and cannot be updated/changed.
Requirement | Reference ID Standard |
Component structure |
Within Workday: Must be made up of two components per proposed structure below. External to Workday: Must be made up of three components per proposed structure below. |
Allowable characters |
Mixed case | Mixed case representation of configuration values is allowed. For example, Agricultural_Equipment_Supplies |
Spaces | Must not include spaces. Use _ "underscore" for space. |
Numbers | Numbers must be none-zero and positive. Avoid using leading zeros at the beginning of the reference ID e.g., "00PR-1234" |
Descriptions | Components must be named without including descriptions. They must be short and concise. |
Length of reference value | Specific Workday organization type and/or worktag types must always be of consistent length. Varying lengths for a single type can be confusing and lead to sorting challenges. |
Character limit | Where possible, limit the reference ID to no more than 30 characters. |
Reference ID types | Usage |
Within Workday | Intended for unique Reference IDs for business objects within Workday. |
External to Workday | Intended for uniquely identifying business objects where the system of record is not Workday, and will be used for integration with Workday as well as for pulling data for joins from data lakes. |
The following structure is to be adopted by all business objects where the system of record is Workday. The Reference ID will be made up of two components as shown below.
Component1 | Component2 | |
Rules |
Workday Business Object Name Full_Name or Prefix |
Number (non-zero) |
Mandatory | Mandatory | |
Alpha only | Numeric only |
1. Foundation Data Model (FDM) element reference IDs will be the same as the codes for the FDM element. For example, a Supervisory Organization code and reference ID is SO10001.
2. Format must be consistent for the business object once selected. For example, the reference ID for Job Classifications is Job_Classification-123.
The following structure is to be adopted by all external system business objects where the system of record is not Workday, but will be integrated with Workday. Functional teams must be consulted and sign-off on the definition of these Reference IDs.
Component1 | Component2 | Component3 | |
Rules |
External Business Object Name1 Full_Name*; or Prefix* |
External System Name System Acronym2 |
Identifier |
Mandatory | Mandatory | Mandatory | |
Alpha only | Alpha only | Alphanumeric only |
1 Use external object name if Workday is not the system of record, as it maps to the Workday object.
2 Accepted values only. Click here to access accepted application system acronym values. Reach out to Data Governance & Business Intelligence if the reference list does not include the system name and acronym needed for your reference ID.
Note: Do not change the value of Reference IDs already in use as changing an active value can lead to some major downstream effects. One must consider the impact on these other systems before making changes.
This standard must be complied with through every stage of the data lifecycle with the exception of any dispensations (see Dispensation section below):
- All applications must define Reference IDs as recommended in this standard.
- Enterprise Data Integration must adopt this standard.
Any reference IDs associated with Foundational Data Elements that have already been created in Workday may remain as-is.
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