Release 1: Finance Foundation FAQs

The plan to have nQuery available through end of 2013 to provide comparisons to results with Integrated Reporting so users can trust the dat Notification of decommission will be communicated well in advance.
These tools will still be available; however the goal is to migrate away from these to Integrated Reporting as much as possible. A check point date will be determined post go-live to identify a phase out strategy that minimizes impact to business users.
Month-end Reports will not be replaced during this release of the program. They will be looked at in a separate project at a later date to determine the continued need with Integrated Reporting in place i.e. self-service reporting now available.
Not at this time. The project team is currently developing in a dev environment.
The IR program will follow a phased roll-out of functionality to business users. Key activities include:
  • UAT(User acceptance Testing) planned for Feb/March 2013 to a core group of business user representing a cross-section of the entire user base
  • Deployment to 1 or 2 faculties in March 2013
  • General roll-out in May 2013 after year-end busy season
Go-Live is planned for the Spring 2013 with online interactive videos as well as user guides available for download. At this time there is no in-class training planned.
Post Go-Live, the next stage will be to train power-users for broader ad-hoc analysis. Stay tuned for details.


Application of the Standards

Yes, users will have the same access to Departments and PGs as they do in nQuery.


Compliance with the Standards

Yes, IR will enable time series analysis.
It is possible to load 2004 and subsequent years (previous has some archiving). The plan is to have as many years as possible based on business requirements, and without negatively affecting performance.
The integration of HR data is targeted in the next release of Integrated Reporting in 2014. Specific roll-out dates cannot be identified at this time as scoping and analysis of the required functionality has not been conducted.
Hyperion is a separate release of the program and is not yet scheduled. It will be scheduled and a work plan will be created subsequent to the first release being complete and successful. Details will be released on the IR program website as they become available. As an interim solution the forecast ledger will be loaded to FMS and brought into the data warehouse for the current release of the Finance Foundation project and should be available for the main roll-out in Spring 2013.