Student Academic Systems Initiative (SASI) Terms of Reference


The purpose of the SASI Governance Committee is to act as the steering body for the SASI program to ensure effective strategic decision making to support realization of the SASI Vision and Goals.

Provide oversight for the existing SIS and its ecosystem until the transition to the new student system.


  • Approve SASI Program Charter & program initiation
  • Provide timely strategic oversight, advice, and decision making
  • Review, adopt, and endorse recommendations regarding program plans and key business process design opportunities
  • Ensure program plans meet university standards and the needs of stakeholders
  • Refer issues to higher governance groups when unable to endorse program recommendations due to impact on strategic direction or University policy
  • Champion SASI across the University
  • Ensure requests for the existing SIS meet either regulatory or strategic priorities and are ranked
  • Provides input and recommendations on the SASI budget


  • UBC Executive
  • Deans
  • IT Governance