Visa Type Data Standard

Intended Audience and Contact Information

Contact Chief Data Officer, Office of the CIO
Intended audience: Internal UBC
UDM Domain Person


This standard aims to achieve consistency around the data collected for Visa Type and the format in which it is collected and stored in across the University.

Visa Types outlined by the Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada have been adopted as the standard at UBC.

This data standard has been reviewed and approved for adoption in its entirety with the exception of systems subject to dispensation (See Dispensation section).


Visa Type Standard

Following are the accepted data values for Visa Type.

Visa Type Definition
Permanent Resident Visa A document issued by an IRCC visa office overseas to a foreign national. It allows that person to travel to Canada to become a permanent resident.
Work Permit A document issued by IRCC that authorizes a person to work legally in Canada.
Temporary Resident Visa Informally known as a visitor or tourist visa, it may be issued for single or multiple entries to Canada.
Study Permit A document issued by IRCC that authorizes a foreign national to study at an educational institution in Canada for the duration of the program of study
Temporary Resident Permit A permit that may be granted in exceptional circumstances to a person who does not meet the requirements of Canada’s immigration law to enter or remain temporarily in Canada.
Record of Landing An official document once issued to a person when they arrived in Canada as a permanent resident. Canada stopped issuing records of landing on June 28, 2002.
Implied Status If a visitor, student or foreign worker applies to extend their status, before that status expires, they can legally remain in Canada until a decision is made on the application. In this situation, the person has implied status.
Co-op/Internship Work Permit Document granted to foreign students who wish to participate in a co-op or internship program in a Canadian institution.




This standard about Visa Type must be complied with through every stage of the data lifecycle with the exception of any dispensations (see Dispensation section):

  • All applications must collect Visa Type as recommended in this standard.
  • Enterprise Data Integration must adopt this standard.


Legacy systems are exempt from this data standard. Examples of legacy systems are:

  • Student Information System (SIS)
  • Human Resource Management System (HRMS)
  • Finance Management System (FMS)

As systems are replaced, adoption of this standard is required.

As existing systems change to adopt this standard, the Enterprise Data Governance team needs to be informed.

Related Documents

  1. Citizenship and Immigration Canada - Glossary (link not working)