Employee Full Time Equivalent (FTE), Headcount and Expected Earnings Data Standard

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Change Log

Standard Version Date Change Log

Reference Data Compliance for Data Integration sub-section of Compliance section added


This standard aims to achieve consistency around the way full-time equivalent (FTE) values for employee and faculty positions are determined and reported on internally and externally. It also provides definitions for headcount and expected earnings.

While the Employee FTE definitions apply to both staff and faculty, refer to the Faculty FTE Rules section for specific rules in determining FTE values for faculty positions.

This standard applies to all UBC applications collecting and reporting FTE values. Exceptions are listed in the Dispensation section.


Employee FTE

Employee FTE is the workload of an employee converted to a proportion of a full-time work-load. It is the ratio of a given (assigned) work-load to a stated full-time work-load as defined by their respective bargaining group within a given time-period.

It is calculated as follows:

=     Given (Assigned) Workload in hours
Number of expected work hours defined by bargaining unit
Employee FTE Types

FTE is calculated by position and not by employee. Below are the different types of FTEs that are required to meet reporting requirements.

1. Funded (Complement) Position FTE

Funded or complement FTE is the ratio of total number of hours funded for a position, to the expected hours defined by their respective bargaining group within a given time-period.

It is calculated as follows:

=     Number of funded hours in a position
Number of expected work hours defined by bargaining unit

2. Filled Position FTE

Filled position FTE is divided into three distinct FTE sub-types. These include:

2.1 Worked FTE

Worked FTE is the ratio of actual regular hours worked by an employee, to the expected hours of work as stated by their respective bargaining group within a given time-period. This includes employees that carried out their workload as expected.

It is calculated as follows:

=     Number of actual regular hours worked
Number of expected work hours defined by bargaining unit

2.2 Paid Absence FTE

Paid absence FTE is the ratio of actual regular hours paid to an employee that is in absence, to the expected hours of work as stated by their respective bargaining group within a given time-period. This includes employees that are on paid leave.

It is calculated as follows:

=     Number of actual regular hours paid to an employee in absence
Number of expected work hours defined by bargaining unit

2.3 Unpaid Absence FTE

Unpaid absence FTE is the ratio of actual regular hours unpaid to an employee that is in absence, to the expected hours of work as stated by their respective bargaining group within a given time-period. This includes employees that are on unpaid leave.

It is calculated as follows:

=     Number of actual regular hours unpaid to an employee in absence
Number of expected work hours defined by bargaining unit

3. Unfilled (vacant) position FTE

Unfilled position FTE is the ratio of total number of hours funded in a position but not paid or utilized, to the full-time work-load as stated by their respective bargaining group within a given time period. This includes positions that are funded but not filled.

It is calculated as follows:

=     Number of funded hours – Number of actual regular hours worked - Number of absence hours
Number of expected work hours defined by bargaining unit

Employee FTE Summary

In summary:

  1. Funded or complement FTE is the sum of filled position FTE and unfilled position FTE.
  2. Filled FTE is the sum of worked FTE, paid absence FTE and unpaid absence FTE.
Funded FTE=Filled FTE*+Unfilled FTE
(* where Filled FTE = Worked FTE+Paid Absence FTE+Unpaid Absence FTE)
Snapshot and Annualized FTE

Faculty Snapshot FTE

Snapshot FTE is the ratio of actual workload taught by a faculty member, to the expected workload as stated by their respective Faculty for an academic session.

It is calculated as:

=     Actual workload (hours)
Expected full workload as stated by respective faculty


Sessional Snapshot FTE

Sessional snapshot FTE is the ratio of actual credits taught by a Sessional lecturer to the expected workload as stated by their respective Faculty for an academic session.

It is calculated as:

=     Credits taught
Expected full workload as stated by respective faculty


Annualized Sessional FTE

Annualized sessional FTE is the sum of the ratio of snapshot FTE for Winter Term 1, Winter Term 2 and Summer Session.

It is calculated as:

  =     Winter Term 1 Snapshot FTE
  +     Winter Term 2 Snapshot FTE
  +     Summer Session Snapshot FTE
Faculty Members' FTE Rules
  1. A position1 cannot hold more than 1.00 FTE.
  2. All paid2 academic and non-academic faculty positions will adopt Employee FTE definitions per full (credit) workloads defined by their respective Faculty.
  3. All unpaid2 academic and non-academic faculty positions will have an FTE = 0.00 with the following exceptions:
    1. Dean, Clinical Administrator and Emeritus positions will be treated like paid academic appointment positions.
    2. Where a non-academic position is the only role the individual holds, it will be tracked as the position worked and FTE should be calculated based on that position.
  4. A Sessionals'3 FTE will be calculated on a snapshot or annualized basis.
    1. Snapshot FTE for Winter Term 1, Winter Term 2 and Summer (Terms 1 and 2) may equal 1.00 or less depending on the course workload for the term. Refer to the Snapshot FTE and Sessional Snapshot FTE sections for definitions and formulae for Snapshot FTE.
    2. Annualized FTE:
      • Can only be calculated with available FTE from 3 consecutive sessions.
      • Will always be <= 1.00 FTE.
        Refer to the Annualized Sessional FTE section for the definition and formula for Annualized FTE.
  5. Total FTE for a joint appointment position (a single position that has one faculty member who is a member of more than one department) must be <= 1.00 FTE.
  6. Dual appointment (an employee who holds two UBC positions simultaneously) FTE will be tracked for each position held.
  7. Multiple Appointment (an employee who holds more than two UBC positions simultaneously) FTE will be tracked for each position held.
  8. Joint Appointment (an employee who holds a formal position at UBC and is a member of more than one department within that position) FTE will be tracked for the position held.
  9. Reduced appointment (an employee who holds a single UBC position and is working at a reduced FTE) FTE will be tracked per Employee FTE definitions.
  10. If a specific functional unit would like to track workload between academic and non-academic assignments, utilize the Roster Percent field in Workday.

1 A position can also be referred to as an appointment.
2 Refer to the table Paid vs Unpaid Faculty Positions for a list of paid and unpaid faculty positions.
3 Sessionals' FTE will follow an exception process:

  1. Full workload is defined in credits per term in the Collective Agreement and FTE is calculated based on credits taught/full-time workload for the term (not over 12-month period) in the Integrated Sessional Instructor System.
  2. Integrated Sessional Instructor System FTE will be converted to an equivalent of 40 hours / week for input in Workday

Paid vs Unpaid Faculty Positions

Paid Academic Position Unpaid Academic Position Paid Non-Academic Position Unpaid Non-Academic Position
  1. Professor
  2. Professor of Teaching
  3. Lecturers
  4. Sessional Lecturer*
  5. Visiting Faculty (paid)
  6. Postdoctoral Teaching Fellows
  7. Postdoctoral Research Fellows (paid)
  8. Adjunct Professor (paid)
  9. Clinical Faculty - paid
  10. Clinical fellows (paid)
  11. Research Associates (paid)
  12. Librarian
  13. Program Director
  14. Emeritus (paid)

Exception Roles:

  1. Dean
  2. Clinical Administrator
  1. Honorary Faculty
  2. Affiliate Faculty
  3. Partner Appointment
  4. Visiting Faculty (unpaid)
  5. Postdoctoral Research Fellows (unpaid)
  6. Adjunct Professor (unpaid)
  7. Clinical Faculty (unpaid)
  8. Clinical fellows (unpaid)
  9. Research Associates (unpaid)
  10. Emeritus (unpaid)
  1. Vice-Dean
  2. Associate Dean
  3. Assistant Dean
  4. Academic Administrator
  5. Principal
  6. Academic Head of Unit – Director & Unit head
  1. Vice-Dean
  2. Associate Dean
  3. Assistant Dean
  4. Academic Administrator
  5. Principal
  6. Director (Institute, Centre, Program)

Employee headcount is the sum of actual number of employees (individuals) working in a given period of time regardless of their workload being full-time or part-time.

Expected Earnings

Employee expected earnings are to be calculated as follows:

= Number of expected work hours * Hourly rate3

3 Hourly rates may include imputed hourly rate from salary grade.


This standard must be complied with through every stage of the data lifecycle with the exception of any dispensations (see Dispensation section):

  • All applications must collect FTE, headcount and expected earnings as recommended in this standard.
  • Enterprise Data Integration must adopt this standard.

Reference Data Compliance for Data Integration

The use of accepted reference data values in this standard for data integration among applications must comply with the enterprise integration pattern of leveraging the reference data common service API (Application Programming Interface) published in UBC MuleSoft Exchange.

Any application that intends to access real-time, case-level reference data should have the application owner or manager complete and submit a Request API Access form.

For any compliance questions or requests for a dispensation temporarily, please contact the Enterprise Data Governance Team.


Legacy systems are exempt from this data standard. Examples of legacy systems are:

  • Student Information System (SIS)

As existing systems change to adopt this standard, the Enterprise Data Governance team needs to be informed.