Student Award Data Standard

Intended Audience and Contact Information

Contact Chief Data Officer, Office of the CIO
UDM Domain Learner Financial Support
Intended Audience Internal UBC
Data Standard ID DG0073


This standard aims to achieve consistency around the data collected for Student Awards, and the format in which it is collected and stored.

A Student Award is any type of monetary assistance or non-monetary recognition given to a student by the University, or managed by the University for a student.

This standard is derived by UBC and applies to all applications collecting Student Awards. Exceptions are listed in the Dispensation section.


The following are the data elements and accepted values associated with creating a Student Award:

Student Award Attributes
Data Element Definition Format/Data Types
Award Number The unique identifier for a Student Award.

6-digit Numeric

See the Student Award Number - Format section for more details.

Award Status The current state of the Student Award.

Reference List

See the Award Status section for more details.

Award Status Reason

The explanation for the Award Status of a Student Award.

The Award Status Reason will only be used if the Award Status is Inactive.

Reference List

See the Award Status Reason section for more details.

Award Cycle

The Academic Period during which the collection of business processes that lead to the assignment and disbursement of a Student Award normally occurs.

Only the Winter Session (inclusive of Winter Terms 1 and 2) and Summer Session (inclusive of Summer Terms 1 and 2) Academic Periods will be used for Award Cycle. For certain Student Awards the assignment and/or disbursement of the award may occur outside of the Award Cycle it is assigned to.

Administering Unit The Functional Organization that is responsible for managing the adjudication and selection of recipients for a specific Student Award. See the Functional Organization section of the Internal Organization Data Standard for more details on the accepted values.
Award Title

The official name of the Student Award as per the approving Senate or government aid body.

Please see the Okanagan Senate Student Awards Policy and the Vancouver Senate Student Awards Policy for more information.

Transcript Award Title

The character-limited version of the Award Title as it will be printed on the student’s transcript.

The Transcript Award Title must meet the text limitations as per the PCCAT Transcript Standards.

Text (Limit of 80 characters)
Award Description The written representation of the award which contains the purpose and criteria for a Student Award. Text
Maximum Number of Recipients The maximum number of students that can receive the Student Award for an Award Cycle. Numeric
Renewable Award Indicates whether the Student Award can be offered to a student over multiple years. True/False (Boolean)
Maximum Renewable Year(s) Indicates the number of additional years that the Student Award can be offered to a student beyond the first year. Numeric (1, 2, 3 or 4)
Include on Transcript

Indicates that the Student Award can appear on the transcript of the recipient.

See PCCAT Transcript Standards for more information.

True/False (Boolean)
Include in UBC Academic Calendar Indicates that the Student Award will appear in the UBC Academic Calendar for a given Academic Year. True/False (Boolean)
Available to Non-UBC Student Indicates that the Student Award can be given to a person that is attending a post secondary institution other than UBC. True/False (Boolean)
Award Number - Format

The Award Number Format will be starting from 100000, and will increase sequentially as new awards are created.

Award Status

Award Status

The following are the accepted values for Student Award Status:

Accepted Value Definition
Pending Senate Approval The Student Award is awaiting approval from the governing Senate.
Pending Award Setup The Student Award is waiting for an award administrator to fill in all the required details to complete setup for the award.
Active The Student Award is available for distribution.
Inactive The Student Award is not available for distribution.
Draft A temporary status automatically applied by the Learner Financial Support system when a Student Award is first created.
Award Status Reason

The following are the accepted values for Student Award Status Reason:

Accepted Value Definition
Award Discontinued The Student Award is no longer being offered.
Award Not Currently Offered The Student Award is not being offered during the current Award Cycle, but may be offered again in a future period.


The above standard must be complied at every stage of the data lifecycle with the exception of any dispensations (see Dispensation section).

  • All applications must collect date as recommended in this standard.
  • Enterprise Data Integration must adopt this standard.

Reference Data Compliance for Data Integration

The use of accepted reference data values in this standard for data integration among applications must comply with the enterprise integration pattern of leveraging the reference data common service API (Application Programming Interface) published in UBC MuleSoft Exchange.

Any application that intends to access real-time, case-level reference data should have the application owner or manager complete and submit a Request API Access form.

Mapping of Invalid Values from System(s) of Record (SoR) to Common Services

A common service can only accommodate standard reference data enumerations that are available in the SoR as approved by the Data Governance Steering Committee or Data Trustee.

A reference data value that does not match any of the standard reference data value enumerations is considered ‘invalid’. Any records from a SoR containing an invalid reference data value for a given data element or attribute must be mapped as an ‘empty’ value in common service(s). Where a reference data value may potentially have the same meaning as a standard enumeration but named differently in the system of record can be corrected to match the appropriate standard enumeration. Please consult with the EDG team in such cases.

Additional reference data values in a SoR that are not part of the standard reference data enumerations are to be omitted in the common service.


Legacy systems are exempt from this data standard. As systems are replaced, adoption of this standard is required. Examples of legacy systems are:

  • Student Information System (SIS)

Award Numbers currently in Student Information System (SIS)

Any existing Award Numbers in the Student Information System (SIS) will be retained in future systems.

For any compliance questions or requests for a temporary dispensation, please contact the Enterprise Data Governance Team.

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