The Integrated Reporting Program Governance consists of two-decision making bodies, with representation across UBC, that provides guidance to the Integrated Reporting implementation team. The committees will also provide governance and stewardship over the Integrated Reporting and UBC data assets.
The Governance Committee focuses on strategic matters including program vision, budget, program scope, and final decision-making on matters raised by the Working Committee. The Governance Committee is co-chaired by Ian Burgess, Financial Comptroller, and Walter Sudmant, Director of Planning & Institutional Research. The committee meets on a bi-monthly basis and is co-ordinated by David Truong.
The Working Committee provides deep functional expertise on UBC business processes and functions. The committee focuses on in-depth IR data topics and program issues, and reports and escalates key items to the Governance Committee. The Working Committee is co-chaired by Andrew Glynn, Director of Budget and Management Reporting and Pam Lim, Assistant Dean of Sauder School of Business. The committee meets on a monthly basis and is co-ordinated by Heather Epstein.