Generative AI FAQs

What are the potential benefits of integrating Generative AI into the UBC's pedagogical approach?

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What are the potential risks and challenges associated with using Generative AI in the classroom, and how can these be addressed?

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Are there particular areas of teaching/instruction more impacted than others? Faculties or Programs?

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How can Generative AI be used to enhance the research activities at UBC?

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What are the potential privacy, security, and equity implications of using Generative AI across UBC, and how can these be addressed?

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How can Generative AI be used to streamline and improve administrative processes at UBC, and what risks and challenges should be addressed?

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What are the current capabilities of Generative AI, and how might these capabilities evolve over the next 1-5 years?

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What policies and frameworks are needed to ensure that the use of Generative AI at UBC is appropriate?

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What expertise and resources are needed to implement Generative AI effectively at UBC?

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How can Generative AI be used to support the student experience, and what potential challenges should be addressed?

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How can Generative AI be used to support staff and faculty productivity and workload, and what risks and challenges should be addressed?

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What are the risks and issues as well as potential opportunities for accessibility and diversity

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